Week # 16 - December 2, 2012
“Sex and the City.”
Gender, sexuality and sexual inequality in humor. Aggression and power.

Readings for Week #16:
Wasilewska, Ewa:
Section 9: Toward Gender, Sexuality and Sexual Inequality… “Sex and the City.”
Chapter 9: Toward Gender, Sexuality and Sexual Inequality… “Sex and the City.”
Kotthoff, Helga (2006): Gender and Humor: The state of art. A reprint from Journal of Pragmatics 38 (1). Pp. 4-25.
Bing, Janet (2007): Liberated Jokes: Sexual humor in all-female groups.
A reprint from Humor-International Journal of Humor Research. Vol. 20 (4). Pp. 337-366.