Exams and Grades:
There are three in class exams. These exams are designed not only to test your knowledge but also to encourage critical thinking and independent analysis of the presented material. This course fulfills the DIV and BF requirements of general education that are there for a reason (see, http://www.ugs.utah.edu/?pageId=3988) i.e., to prepare you for “twenty-first-century challenges.” Remember, decisions you will make in the future will affect not only you, but all of us. After all, you will be paying (or not) my social security and will be taking us in and out of wars while trying to pay trillions of dollars in debt. Consequently, I want you to take this class very seriously. You cannot pass this class without attending class meetings as none of the Ppt presentations will be posted anywhere.
Each exam counts equally for your final grade. Your participation in class discussions is important as it may raise your overall grade up to two marks (e.g., from C to B-). Introduce yourself by your first and last name at the beginning of the semester and then, in all probability, your first name will be enough!
There won’t be any extra-credit assignments in this class. Each exam will be graded using the Letter-Grade scale (“A” as the highest, “E” as the lowest [no-pass] grade. The final grade will be calculated accordingly by setting up values of the Letter-Grade scale using the 4-Point scale.