Week # 9 - March 7, 2012
My culture, not yours!
Ethnic humor: its nature and functions. Popularity and demise. Part 1.
Diversity focus: Defining ethnicity, exploring self-identity and identifying common non-dominant groups traditionally targeted by humorous material in the U.S.
• Origins of different ethnic humors.
• Ethnic humor in the U.S.: why specific groups are targeted and when?
• For example: African-Americans; from the minstrel humor through Negro humor to Black (not “black) humor.
• For example: Jewish creation of Jewish humor.
• For example: going in and out of fashion (e.g., Polish, Italian, Mexican humor). |
Readings for Week 9, 10 & 11:
Apte, Mahadev L.: Humor,
Ethnicity, and Intergroup Relations. In Humor and Laughter. An Anthropological
Approach. Cornell University Press. 1985. Pp.108-148. Davis, Christie: Who Gets Called Stupid? In Ethnic Humor. Indiana University Press. 1996. Pp. 41-83. Ziv, Avner: Humor in Israel. In National Styles of Humor. Edited by Avner Ziv. Greenwood Press. 1988. Pp. 113-132.